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Even your Mac needs Antivirus Software!

People often believe that Macs are immune to malware, hackers and viruses but it’s not true. Even Macs are vulnerable to these problems. Getting and installing the proper antivirus protection is necessary to keep data safe on an computer.

Last updated: March 2025

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  • Powerful Malware Removal
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  • Cross-Platform Support



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User Reviews

Lili Young - user review

Lili Young London, UK

5.0 out of 5

User Review Icon

I’m so glad I found an antivirus software with excellent service. Intego informs me straight away if there’s suspicious activity on my device. It also never slows down my device which is a problem I’ve had with other antivirus platforms.

Nicole Hill - user review

Nicole Hill Newcastle, UK

5.0 out of 5

User Review Icon

Panda Security was recommended to me by an IT friend of mine and I haven’t looked back. Since installing this antivirus I’ve had no problems with malware or viruses on my PC.

Gabriel Adams - user review

Gabriel Adams Dublin, Ireland

4.5 out of 5

User Review Icon

Norton monitors everything on my device whether I use it on my phone or laptop. There’s no way any virus can get past Norton extensive security.

Robert Collins - user review

Robert Collins Sidney, Australia

5.0 out of 5

User Review Icon

I’m an IT specialist and would recommend Total AV to small to large corporations. This antivirus silently works in the background when scanning my devices so I don’t experience slow operating systems.

Julie Morgan - user review

Julie Morgan Chicago, USA

5.0 out of 5

User Review Icon

I came across the Panda Security antivirus while browsing online and decided to give it a try. I’m happy with it so far. It caught more viruses than any other software I’ve used before.

James Cole - user review

James Cole Los Angeles, USA

4.5 out of 5

User Review Icon

Intego offers excellent online security tools to keep my data safe from malware. It also has superb monitoring of online activities so my device is protected even when I’m browsing the web.

How do We Pick the Best Antivirus for You?

When investing in antivirus software you deserve peace of mind that you’re protected from phishing schemes, keyloggers and dangerous websites. That’s why we test software thoroughly and also research features like parental controls, firewalls and impact on your resources.

  • 01 User experience & user friendliness
  • 02 Product features including Phishing & Spam, Protection, System Impact, Firewalls, Parental Control Settings and Managing Passwords
  • 03 Price packages and whether you get value for money
  • 04 Customer support and channels of communication

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Why Macs Need Antivirus Protection?

There’s a common misconception floating around the world today that Macs don’t need virus protection. Like most problematic urban legends, this one is rooted in some historical truth. Back in the dark ages, when computers were a brand new technology, Microsoft dominated the entire world. Because of the Microsoft monopoly, if you owned a Mac you were largely safe from cyber criminals. At that time, hackers focused largely on developing malware that would attack the vulnerabilities specific to Microsoft operating systems and ignore the Mac systems because they were so few and far between.

Today, this is no longer true. Ever since Apple and Mac products started growing exponentially in popularity, Mac devices like tablets, iphones and Mac computers are a huge target for malware and other viruses. Apple prides itself on its internal security but although they do their best to prevent attacks and their operating systems are considered harder to infiltrate than Windows, it’s far from impossible. Which means that anyone using Mac computers or other devices needs a good antivirus protection — perhaps now more than ever due to their immense popularity.

Stay Protected: What Do You Need?

Today’s market is literally flooded with antivirus packages and internet security suites that can protect your Mac OSX device or your MacBook computer from malware, hackers and viruses. The best and most effective systems are comprehensive and it’s best to invest in the highest level of protection in order to avoid having sensitive data compromised. Identity theft is a nightmare for millions of computer users every year, so make sure you choose the right virus protection. Look for antivirus protection systems that work in the background simultaneously with the ability to scan both real-time and manually. These scans are designed to prevent attacks from worms, malware and Trojan horses.  It’s best to choose a system that offers security and privacy features like two-way firewalls, parental controls (if you have kids), and protection for social media platforms, where computers and phones are often most vulnerable to nefarious attacks.

The Options and Why You Should Pay:

Similar to the Windows-centric options for antivirus protection, those offered specifically for Mac vary greatly in price and quality. There are always the free options, but there are very few of these that are actually decent and provide enough security. We recommend going with the paid options and sometimes splurging on the premium services, typically available for purchase for the entire year through annual subscriptions. These are usually easier to use, come with a higher level of help (live chat 24/7 etc) and provide a much greater range of options for your security. Often these options can be directly downloaded to your computer. The paid options are usually running faster and have less interference problems with your current operating systems. In addition, compared to the ‘free’ options that sometimes use hidden tricks to get you paying without even realizing it, the paid options are usually straightforward and tend to work better. Sometimes you do indeed get what you pay for.

Protect Yourself Now! Don’t Risk Exposure!

While it may have once been relatively safe to use a Mac without antivirus protection, that’s no longer true today. Malware and viruses are quickly spreading to Macs because of their huge success and market share. If you’re doing online shopping, streaming video, banking online and checking email, especially using a public Wifi connection, you’re in danger of cyber attacks. And sometimes these criminals are so smart that it’s very hard to identify the new viruses and threats without the proper protection. Experts recommend running scans at least once a week, especially if you tend to be online and surfing the web frequently. For the most thorough protection, keep the program’s shield protection running in the background at all times. The top-rated antivirus protections for Mac can do this without making your computer extremely slow or prone to getting stuck. Some of the best protections even offer tools that will enhance your computer’s performance and keep things running in optimal conditions. If you want to protect more than just Windows and you have other devices to protect, many of the top-rated antivirus software also comes with the capability to protect multiple devices so the whole family is secure. In today’s world of sophisticated and constantly evolving cyber crime, finding the right antivirus protection and installing it is essential. Just like you wouldn’t leave your door unlocked at home, your computer and phones need locks in order to keep you safe. In the end, it’s much easier to prevent an attack than to clean up the damage once you’ve already been targeted.

How to Choose the Best Antivirus for Mac

Mac has a specific operating system that doesn’t support all types of antivirus software. So you’ll need to pick the best antivirus for Mac so that it works to protect your device from cyber threats. Antivirus platforms are designed to stop viruses from getting onto your Mac.

But what do you need to consider before choosing an antivirus for your Mac operating system? In this article, we’ve provided a short guide on how to choose the best virus protection for Mac.

1. What Does Apple Recommend?

Choose an Apple recommended antivirus software because it’s been tested by the experts at Apple. The best antivirus for Macbook Pro, Macbook Mini or other versions of Mac are as follows:

  • Norton
  • Avast Security for Mac
  • BitDefender
  • Intego
  • McAfee Antivirus Plus

2. Paid Antivirus Software Offers More

There is free antivirus software for Mac on the market. However, these free versions are limited and don’t provide the full protection you need for your Mac. You should opt for paid antivirus software for the best protection for your Mac device.

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Our Experts
Copley Sutton - our expert
Copley Sutton

After years in marketing and then completing a course in copywriting, Copley has been a copywriter for the past 6 years.

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Robin Wells - our expert
Robin Wells

This journalist has worked for leading online magazines for the past 12 years in the roles of writer, editor and marketer.

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Caroline McCarthy - our expert
Caroline McCarthy

She’s passionate about researching any new advances in technology, making heran expert on topics ranging from online security to cryptocurrencies.

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Nazar Kurnyk - our expert
Nazar Kurnyk

As a trained and experienced software developer, he can quickly identify quality,user-friendly apps and programs among the mass of products available today.

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How do We Rate the Best Antivirus Products?

To provide you with accurate feedback that’s relevant to the current environment, we network with various independent researchers. They test and research aspects of each antivirus and based on their feedback, these are the features we use to rate each antivirus.

Phishing and Spam Icon

Phishing and Spam

Your antivirus should be your line of defense against phishing sites, spam emails and other cyber-attacks. The researchers test the software by creating common scenarios that many users face each day and see which ones are able to protect your interests the best.

Protection All the Time Icon

Protection All the Time

You want peace of mind that your antivirus will warn you if you’re about to access a malicious URL or if there’s any other threat. During the researchers’ testing they make sure whether the software will provide real-time protection and inform you of any online dangers as they appear.

Impact on Your System Icon

Impact on Your System

Thanks to our collaboration with multiple independent researchers, we have real life data about how your antivirus will use your system’s resources. You’ll know what to expect and whether it will slow down your PC.

Firewall Security Icon

Firewall Security

When you’re busy on any network, you must be able to work without risk. During testing we determine if each product provides an effective firewall, so you’re not infected without even knowing about it.

Parental Control Settings Icon

Parental Control Settings

A quality antivirus package provides features for the entire family’s benefit. The antivirus software we trust the most offer parental controls to help adults look after the interests of children going online, by easily managing the types of content they can access.

Managing Passwords Icon

Managing Passwords

You use passwords for so many activities these days. Your antivirus should help you manage them for a streamlined workflow, syncing the macros devices without you becoming a victim of cyber threats, such as keyloggers.